About us

About Us

N2G SafeSide, responding to the urgent need to sterilize air and surfaces in all areas where human activities take place, offers you an innovative technological product that helps you protect your own, your family ‘s, your employees’ and customers’ health during the difficult era we face.

A few words … about us
We do not want to be one of the companies that will tell you the whole story of our lives. We are a team with knowledge, experience, expertise and above all love for what we do.

N2G SafeSide is the exclusive representative of TECHLUMEN in Germany. TECHLUMEN is a company that designs and manufactures innovative equipment solutions, especially for health-regulated establishments.

It was created by professionals with extensive experience in the field and all their applications are distinguished for their special reliability and high quality manifacture.

Gesetzliche Anbieterkennung:
Nikolaos Ovaloglou & Karabatakis Nikolaos
vertreten durch die Gesellschafter: Nikolaos Ovaloglou, Nikolaos Karampatakis
Widderstr 22a
86167 Augsbueg
Telefon: 082144944739
E-Mail: info@n2gsafeside.de
USt-IdNr.: DE340294633
Wi-ID-Nr.: 103/171/08600
Alternative Streitbeilegung:
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform für die außergerichtliche Online-Streitbeilegung (OS-Plattform) bereit, aufrufbar
unter https://ec.europa.eu/odr.

N2G SafeSide, responding to the urgent need to sterilize air and surfaces in all areas where human activities take place, offers you an innovative technological product that helps you protect your own, your family ‘s, your employees’ and customers’ health during the difficult era we face.

A few words … about us
We do not want to be one of the companies that will tell you the whole story of our lives. We are a team with knowledge, experience, expertise and above all love for what we do.

N2G SafeSide is the exclusive representative of TECHLUMEN in Germany. TECHLUMEN is a company that designs and manufactures innovative equipment solutions, especially for health-regulated establishments.

It was created by professionals with extensive experience in the field and all their applications are distinguished for their special reliability and high quality manifacture.

Gesetzliche Anbieterkennung:
Nikolaos Ovaloglou & Karabatakis Nikolaos
vertreten durch die Gesellschafter: Nikolaos Ovaloglou, Nikolaos Karampatakis
Widderstr 22a
86167 Augsbueg
Telefon: 082144944739
E-Mail: info@n2gsafeside.de
USt-IdNr.: DE340294633
Wi-ID-Nr.: 103/171/08600
Alternative Streitbeilegung:
Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform für die außergerichtliche Online-Streitbeilegung (OS-Plattform) bereit, aufrufbar
unter https://ec.europa.eu/odr.